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Careers & Graduate Success at De Montfort University

2021-10-22 15:37
De Montfort University has the Best University Careers / Employability Services in the UK (NUE Award, 2021). Find out what they can do for you.

Here are the questions I asked Sam from the Careers Services
1. Could you share your experiences of dealing with International Students?
2. When should students start applying for jobs?
3. What support can the Careers Service provide to international students to enhance their job prospects?
4. Does the Careers Services help/train/improve International students employability/CV writing/Cover letter/job interview skills?
5. Where would international students go to look for jobs after graduation?

Not sure about UK University Admissions? Saed, from Admissions will answer your questions. Here are the questions I asked him:
1. Which intake should students apply for?
2. How much is the deposit before issuing the CAS?
3. Do you help students with their accommodation? What is the average cost for accommodation?
4. Does DMU have a payment plan? If so how does it work?
5. What advice would you provide to students applying to DMU.
Would you like a UK University Admission?